In just a little over two weeks – 15 days to be exact – voting for the UCT Gives Back…AGAIN video contest will close, and UCT will award $10,000 to one deserving school and $5,000 to another. The countdown is near, and only YOU can help determine which schools win!
Fifteen days might seem like a long time, but to the 10 finalist schools, it’s crunch time! Time to get out the vote. Time to rally the local community. Time to make every vote count!
So, what can YOU do for a finalist school in your area in the next 15 days?
Vote for your favorite school on the UCT Gives Back…AGAIN voting page once every 24 hours.
Let your local media outlets know that your local school is in the running for a $10,000 prize and ask members of your community to vote! Think local newspapers, TV stations, radio and more – just check out this local newspaper coverage of St. Raphael Catholic Elementary School in Sudbury, Ontario!
Tell your family, friends, stylist, dentist, corner store clerk (you get the idea) and EVERYONE you know to visit and vote for your school.
Create posts and/or tweets to encourage people to vote for your favorite school.
Don’t forget, voting ends at 11:59 pm on March 14, so make every day count!
UCT Gives Back…AGAIN is a video contest for schools with programs for people with intellectual disabilities or universities with programs to train special education teachers. The contest is open to schools in the U.S. and Canada. Winning schools will be announced and awarded their cash prizes in March 2014.