UCT in Action

Making a Difference Together

WINNER!!! WINNER!!! West Michigan Patriots Received a BIG Check Yesterday…

Posted on Dec 21, 2015 by: UCT

Yesterday’s celebration was a result of some extremely determined coaches, special hockey athletes, families and friends of the West Michigan Patriots Special Hockey Team in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  Their efforts of spreading the word to collect votes, share and retweet their video, and anxiously waiting 6 weeks to watch their vote count climb paid off in the biggest of ways.  UCT CEO Joe Hoffman presented the winning prize of $10,000 to the West Michigan Patriots yesterday ensuring that their athletes will have ice to skate on all season, a place to learn hockey, and a guarantee of the safest, most protective gear for their athletes. Coach Marie Sly explained, “We LOVE bringing hockey to the most amazing kids in West Michigan and you votes help us to do that.”

The check was presented to coach Marie Sly, WMSHA Board Members, the athletes, parents, families and friends of this amazing organization.  The West Michigan Patriots received more than 15,000 votes to win the UCT Gives Back Video Contest for Special Hockey. The team celebrated yesterday at the Griff’s Ice House in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  UCT CEO Joe Hoffman was joined by Community Outreach Manager Jen Szymczak, UCT Board Member Glenn Suever, and UCT Regional President Alan Poplewski.  Congratulations again to the West Michigan Patriot Special Hockey team!!! #uctgivesback



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