Articles Categorized 'Current Event'

UCT in Action

Making a Difference Together

The Olympics

Posted February, 2014 by: UCT

Over the past few days the Olympics have dominated the sports news. The competition is always fun to watch, and there are always surprising results. As they used to put it on an old ABC show, the Wide World of Sports, contestants experience the “thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat.”  While we all enjoy watching the Olympics, there is another type of… Continue Reading…

Winter Hockey Festivals

Posted January, 2014 by: UCT

I spent last weekend at the Gardens Ice House in Laurel Maryland attending the UCT Winter Hockey Festival. It was a great event and the players seemed to really enjoy every bit of it. We had 20 teams participate, and they had the opportunity to play on one of 3 indoor rinks and also an outdoor rink that was completed just a few… Continue Reading…

Looking forward to 2014

Posted December, 2013 by: UCT

With only a few days left before the New Year, I’ve been thinking about some of the great things in store in 2014.  We have several new initiatives planned for the coming year, and I’m excited to see how everything plays out. While we have great things planned throughout the year, we have a couple of major events coming up early in… Continue Reading…

New Scholarship Program

Posted October, 2013 by: UCT

UCT members have a long history of working to improve their local communities.  Over the past 125 years, our members have volunteered to support a wide variety of charitable causes.  One long term effort of the organization has been to help young people pursue higher education. UCT has been awarding scholarships to deserving students for over 50 years.  Over that time, the… Continue Reading…

If You Know a School that Could Use $10,000 Read This!

Posted October, 2013 by: UCT

UCT gives back…AGAIN by sponsoring a video contest to award $15,000! Helping people with intellectual disabilities has been UCT’s number one community service project for over 50 years. Following up on the success of last year’s “UCT Gives Back” video contest, we’re giving back AGAIN by sponsoring a video contest for schools with programs for people with intellectual disabilities or universities with… Continue Reading…

Food for Thought

Posted October, 2013 by: UCT

Social media have had a significant impact on how we interact with each other.  People routinely learn about major events online.  There is real time information that keeps people informed, but there are often cases of misinformation.  People also have the opportunity to post information and comment online, and discussion comments range from thoughtful and constructive to irrational rants and vicious name… Continue Reading…

Pelotonia: After the Ride

Posted August, 2013 by: UCT

We welcome back guest blogger, Loretta Hoffman, who along with her husband, UCT’s CEO, Joe Hoffman, rode to raise money for cancer research. Take it away, Loretta!   A couple of Saturdays ago, almost seven thousand Pelotonia bicyclists rolled out of downtown Columbus.  Made up of routes ranging from 25 miles to the two day 180 mile total, the bicycling fundraiser has… Continue Reading…

Pelotonia: Before the Ride

Posted August, 2013 by: UCT

This week we welcome guest blogger Loretta Hoffman (wife of UCT CEO, Joe Hoffman) as she prepares for Pelotonia this weekend… This Saturday, August 10, Joe and I will be riding in Pelotonia, a bike tour to raise money for the James Cancer Institute here in Columbus.  We are doing the 100 mile route and with stops for food and water, it… Continue Reading…

Tax Reform

Posted July, 2013 by: UCT

As you may know, the US Senate has begun a tax reform effort. In late June, U.S. Sen. Max Baucus, D-Montana and chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah and a ranking member of the committee, made a case to their Senate colleagues for “blank slate” tax reform – a plan to essentially scrap the current tax code… Continue Reading…

The Convention is Coming…The Convention is Coming

Posted July, 2013 by: UCT

It’s a bird…it’s a plane…no, it’s the UCT Annual Convention – and it’s ALMOST HERE!   UCT members gather every year to conduct business meetings and vote on amendments and key issues. This year we will meet up in Schaumburg, Illinois from July 14 – 17 and it promises to be a great time! Not only are we excited to see familiar… Continue Reading…

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