As a fraternal, UCT is both a membership organization and a non-profit insurance carrier. Our members volunteer to improve their local communities, and we provide them with financial security through a variety of financial services products. The income from those products helps to fund their community service work. It is a business model that benefits both members and the communities in which they live. UCT… Continue Reading…
For over 25 years, UCT’s Columbus Council #1 has been a sponsor of the Columbus Sports Classic, a Special Olympics event held every May at Whetstone High School in Columbus, Ohio. It is part of UCT’s longtime support for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In addition to supporting Special Olympics events, UCT is a corporate sponsor for the American Special Hockey… Continue Reading…
The 5th annual UCT Winter Hockey Festival returns to its roots this weekend as we return to Northwest Ohio. The first two festivals were held at the outdoor rink in Ottawa Park in Toledo, and then we had one on the east coast, one on the west coast, and for the fifth festival we are back in the Toledo area. In addition to playing… Continue Reading…
I read an article in the Wall Street Journal on September 26 entitled “The Middle Class Squeeze” by Charles Moore, former editor of the Daily Telegraph. He talked about various aspects of the inequality in today’s world that has been a major topic of discussion over the past months. He had some interesting thoughts on the struggles of the middle class. One… Continue Reading…
Last week, my wife and I spent 5 days cycling the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. It is a 200 mile trip around the island of Cape Breton. We also tacked on a few days to travel around the province, and had the opportunity to visit Maitland, Annapolis Royal, Lunenburg, and Halifax. While in Halifax we were able to visit… Continue Reading…
For many businesses, the answer to what they do can be fairly short and succinct. GM manufactures cars. Kroger is a grocery store. McDonalds is a fast food restaurant. Everyone knows what those businesses are. UCT is a Fraternal Benefit Society. Most people don’t know what that means. The statement simply raises more questions, the first being – what is a Fraternal… Continue Reading…
UCT’s website has undergone some updates recently. One item that is immediately apparent is the “What is UCT?” video on the landing page. It highlights the community service and volunteer work that UCT members have been doing for over 125 years. The expertise our members have developed and the support from Home Office staff can help anyone who wants to join us… Continue Reading…
On Tuesday, April 21, I was part of a group of fraternal executives that spent the day on Capitol Hill in Washington DC. The American Fraternal Alliance organizes meetings with members of Congress every other year to make sure our senators and representatives are aware of the impact that fraternals have in the US. UCT, like all fraternal benefit societies, is a 501(c)… Continue Reading…
Fraternal Benefit Societies have helped families and local communities for over a century. They provide financial security and community service opportunities to their members, and a sense of community driven by their common bonds, whether they be religious, ethnic, occupational, or like UCT’s common bond, good citizenship. Our members, like those of other fraternals, volunteer every day to make their local communities better… Continue Reading…
A UCT contingent attended the American Fraternal Alliance’s annual meeting in Austin, Texas, Sept. 4-6. UCT Vice President Tom Hoffman, Community Outreach Manager Jen Szymczak, Compliance Support Analyst Spencer Germann, and I attended the meeting. There were great speakers, and we returned home with many ideas to consider for our organization. We had a chance to listen to Dan Heath tell us how to improve… Continue Reading…